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Withdrawal for Students Called to Active Duty

Administrative Procedure 4.501

ECC students who are called to active duty, as defined, while enrolled in class(es) at the College should follow the process outlined below and will be provided the appropriate services and support. Students should notify ECC of their active duty requirement as soon as possible, as some options and supports listed below are time sensitive and may not be available at certain points during or after the close of a semester.

Upon learning of their requirement to report to active duty, students should visit the Dean of Students Office, Building B, room B 105, to provide a copy of their activation/notification documentation and discuss options and available support.  If unable to present activation/notification documentation in person, students may send documents via their ECC student email account to

The following options may be available to students and should be discussed with the Dean of Students:

  • Final Grade: If, prior to the end of the academic term, an instructor determines a student has satisfactorily completed a substantial portion of the course and demonstrated mastery of the material, an appropriate final grade may be assigned at that time.
  • Incomplete Grade: In some instances, students may prefer to request a grade of “incomplete” (see Administrative Procedure 1.103 – Student Grades) as an alternative to withdrawing from their courses. Individual faculty members determine whether an incomplete grade is a viable option in their respective classes. The College recommends completion of an incomplete grade within 120 calendar days after the last day of the class.  This recommendation may be extended for students called to active duty, allowing up to 120 calendar days after release from active duty, or return from active duty reassignment, to complete remaining course requirement(s).  Individual faculty members are provided discretion to determine the length of time a student has to finalize coursework for an incomplete, and may allow extensions beyond the recommendations provided here if necessary and appropriate.  Such extensions, however, are not to exceed one (1) calendar year from the date of return from active duty.  Copies of active duty activation/notification documents must be provided to the Registration and Records office, Building B, room B 105, before an extension will be granted. The Registrar will monitor the application of this policy extension.
  • Withdrawal from Class(es): If withdrawal from a class is preferred, the student should withdraw themselves using the online AccessECC portal or in person at the Registration office in Building B, room B 105. If the call to active duty is received after the withdraw deadline for the class has passed, the Dean of Students or designee will assist with Administrative Withdrawal (seeAdministrative Procedure 1.202, Schedule Changes and Course Withdrawals).
    • When the student provides a copy of the activation/notification documents, and withdrawal from classes is completed as a result of the call to active duty, a 100% refund of tuition and fees for the current semester may be issued, if the Dean of Enrollment & Student Financial Services determines such a refund to be advantageous to the student and consistent with applicable regulations.
    • Students using veteran benefits and/or other forms of financial aid who withdraw from classes as a result of call to active duty will be handled in accordance with current State and Federal regulations and guidelines.