Noor, digital marketing specialist
Noor joined Elgin Community College’s Marketing and Communications Department as the Digital Marketing Specialist in 2022. Originally from Pakistan, Noor obtained a Bachelor’s in Marketing before completing his MBA at the Hult International Business School in Boston, MA.
Now settled in his role, Noor enjoys learning and excelling in his marketing representative role, and when things get stressful, he knows the perfect spot. “When work has got me feeling like a tired sloth, I stroll by Lake Spartan. Now that’s how ECC turns my tiredness into triumph!”
Learn more about Noor, like the fantastic places he’s traveled and the simple, tasty treat that makes his day.
Where is the best place you’ve traveled, or where is somewhere you dream of going, and why? I've had the opportunity to travel to several amazing destinations around the world, including London, Dubai, and various incredible states here in the U.S. My travel list extends even further to places like Europe, Cancun, the Bahamas, Turkey, and the picturesque Hunza Valley in Pakistan.
What’s one thing that really makes your day? Donuts!
What is your favorite meal to cook or favorite dish to eat out? I am into Mexican and Pakistani food, love chicken enchiladas, and always crave Biryani!
If you could have dinner with anyone, living or dead, whom would it be and why? Dinner with my Mum.
What did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a paint artist!