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2023 - Take Five with…Evelyn Lozano

Tags: Staff Profile
Published 09/08/2023
Evelyn Lozano, student success coach

Evelyn Lozano, student success coach

As a student success coach, Evelyn Lozano’s favorite thing about working at ECC is meeting and guiding students during their time at the college. This passion is driven by her own educational experience growing up. “School was always difficult for me, and I struggled to navigate college,” said Lozano. “It is such an honor to provide students with the support that could’ve impacted a student like me.”

Before becoming one of ECC students' biggest supporters, Lozano worked as an academic advisor at McHenry County College. Still, her zeal for teaching and student support services began before she started a career in higher education. With a visual arts background, she taught drawing and painting to children and adults.

Learn more about Evelyn beyond her dedication to helping students, like what makes her day and the two individuals she’d love to share a meal with.

What was your first job? My first job was working at a daycare when I was fifteen.

Cats, dogs, or house plants? I love both dogs and cats, but cats I am allergic! I really like houseplants, but I do not have a green thumb.

What’s one thing that really makes your day? One thing that genuinely makes my day is being able to help someone or turn a frown into a smile. So many times, students may come to us when they feel hopeless, and being able to add a glimmer of hope into their eyes can make my day!

If you could have dinner with anyone, living or dead, whom would it be and why? If I could have dinner with anyone, living or dead, it would be a tie between either Frida Kahlo or bell hooks. Why? I could learn a lot from either of those incredible individuals!

What is one surprising fact about you? I have a younger sister who is 18 years younger than me, and yes, she was a surprise