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ECC Stories 2022 - Theresa Rees: ECC helped me prove I can accomplish any goal I set for myself

Tags: Commencement | Graduation Essays
Published 12/13/2022
Elgin Community College December 2022 graduate Theresa Rees

Elgin Community College December 2022 graduate Theresa Rees

My college journey started in the fall of 2015. I wasn’t sure if I would like Elgin Community College, but I thought I’d give it a try. College life hasn’t been easy for me. I am a first-generation student, so I have put pressure on myself to finish what I have started. Also, as a special education adult student, I want to prove that I can accomplish my goals.

What surprised me the most about ECC was the size of the campus and the number of clubs and events it has. I was in the Anime Club for two semesters and am currently involved in MAGIC and TRiO.

Many teachers I have had have shown how much they want to foster a collaborative learning environment with students and other teachers. Four staff members who have made a difference in my life are John Long, Linda Conniff, and Professors Susan Timm and Patrick Gordon. They saw something in me and encouraged me to continue my studies.

I became a cancer survivor as I tried to navigate classes, and without the support I have received at ECC, I don’t think I would have made it this far on my own.

Theresa Rees
Associate in Liberal Studies
Elgin, IL