Anthony Ramos, EdD, executive director of equity, diversity, and inclusion
This week, take five minutes to learn a little about your colleague Anthony Ramos, EdD. Ramos joined Elgin Community College in 2021 as the college’s first Executive Director of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI). Ramos praises the culture of EDI already in existence at ECC and uses his experience and passion toward furthering the college’s collective efforts in advancing EDI for student success.
New to this effort is the EDI calendar! To increase awareness of the culture, history, and identities of the diverse populations within our community, Ramos and Mica Dugas, administrative assistant, have developed this calendar to highlight various recognitions and celebrations throughout the year. Read on to learn something you didn’t know about Ramos.
What should your colleagues know about your position at ECC? I’m grateful to work at an institution that is deeply committed to student success and EDI. I’m always ready to be a partner in the work of advancing equity, diversity, and inclusion, so please reach out if you want to connect and discuss related work in your departments. I look forward to increasing student outcomes and engagement in the service of our diverse community in district 509 in the years ahead.
Where is the best place you’ve traveled, or where is somewhere you dream of going, and why? I’ve had a recent curiosity about traveling to New Zealand. I haven’t done much research yet, but it is a list of places I’d like to see sometime in my lifetime.
What was your first job ever? When I was in middle school, a couple in the neighborhood ran a candy store in their home. They hired me for a few hours a week to run the store so they could have a few breaks for themselves.
What is your favorite meal to cook or favorite dish to eat out? I’ve always been a fan of a good burger, topped with a fried egg and bacon, with a side of garlic parmesan fries.
What did you want to be when you grew up? In my younger years, I wanted to be an Autobot, but realizing that Optimus Prime would not approve, I thought about working in radio, either as on-air talent or behind the scenes. My grandfather loved Radio Shack and had all sorts of audio equipment around when I was a kid. I remember us recording conversations on tape and playing them back, which I thought was absolutely amazing.