Kayla Palmisano, Institutional Research Data Specialist
Everyone at ECC, whether they are sitting in an office, conducting a lecture, or advising a student on their class schedule, has a critical role in the functioning of the college. One of those critical behind-the-scenes players is Kayla Palmisano, Institutional Research Data Specialist.
“I like to describe the Institutional Research office as ‘the ones with all of the data,’ but we are definitely more than that,” said Palmisano. “Our office is one of the hubs that allow ECC to make informed decisions – whether it be about enrollment, program review, or retention, we have the data to identify any changes that may be needed so that our students continue to succeed.”
Palmisano joined ECC in 2020, navigating the new job from her home and letting her passion for her work guide her through this unusual start. Read on to learn more about what lies beyond the numbers for Palmisano:
What is your greatest accomplishment since you’ve been at ECC? Since I have been at ECC, I think my biggest accomplishment is surviving beginning a job from home during a pandemic - and being successful at what I do! I have such a passion for this work, so I think even having this opportunity is a success within itself.
If you could instantly be an expert in one thing, what would you choose? Sewing, for sure – I love vintage clothing, but I don’t like their current prices, so having the ability to instantly make a piece of clothing from a vintage pattern would be a dream.
What do you enjoy doing outside of work (i.e., hobbies/interests)? I enjoy shopping for antiques, relaxing at home with my partner and our amazing black lab, Sam (email me if you want a picture of him – I have hundreds)!
Where is the best place you’ve traveled? Or where would you like to visit? I would love to visit Greece someday. I am a huge fan of the “Mamma Mia!” movies and, since Kalokari isn’t a real island, I think any island in Greece would be the next best thing!
Share a fact about you that might surprise people to learn. I am an identical twin, and we both work within education.
What job have you held (besides ECC) that was the most fun, interesting, or difficult? Probably the job that encompasses all three of those adjectives is working as a stagehand within multiple theatre venues. You are constantly learning on the job and moving heavy objects from one end of the stage to another, all while trying to make directors, actors, and patrons happy. However, working with a team is how I thrive, and when everyone was on the same wavelength, the magic of theatre really came to light.
What was your most valuable life lesson? My most valuable life lesson has to be “treat those as you would like to be treated.” I believe equity and inclusion - especially in education - are the foundation of human society. Living with this lesson is the simplest step toward those goals.
Complete this sentence: “I enjoy working at ECC because … “ I enjoy working at ECC because everyone, and I mean everyone, is committed to student success. This doesn’t stop with success in school – we are all committed to student success in their work, their mental health, and all aspects of their lives.