Teatro Que Importa: "Alicia in Wonder Tierra"
Elgin Community College performing arts student Tiana Caraballo (Streamwood) has been studying theater at ECC since she began in 2019 but has considered herself a theater kid since she was little. “I’m very lucky and appreciative that I’ve gotten to be able to carry my passion into my college studies,” said Caraballo. “It’s a part of who I am.”
Caraballo is taking her passion for theater to the next level this year by directing the upcoming reading of “Alicia in Wonder Tierra” by Sylvia Gonzalez S., a Latinx Heritage Month event that premiers virtually on Thursday, September 22, from 7:30 – 9:30 pm. “Alicia in Wonder Tierra” will be her first time directing a play at ECC. “It’s pretty daunting,” said Caraballo. “I’m definitely prepared, but it’s one of those things that never stops being scary.”
This play was recommended to Caraballo by Brianna Young, a fellow ECC performing arts student and stage manager of the upcoming LHM play. Caraballo knew right away after looking into the play that she had to be a part of bringing it to life at ECC. She has been preparing and working on perfecting this two-hour production since this past June.
“I’m excited, and I’m nervous,” said Caraballo. “I went into it thinking I might not stress out as much since I am not performing, but I think I am twice as anxious since I am focusing on everybody’s part, not only one.” According to Caraballo, this play has an intensity that demands a lot of roles and creativity to pull off, in addition to being a significant event for this year’s LHM. “I still can’t believe I was considered to take on such a big responsibility, and the opportunity means a lot,” said Caraballo. “I have big shoes to fill and want to live up to the quality we typically put out for productions, but I have a wonderful cast and crew to help me.”
Caraballo is working towards her associate in arts degree and plans to pursue a bachelor’s degree. Although undecided about her career path, she plans to continue participating in theater at ECC and where she heads in the future. To attend the virtual production of “Alicia in Wonder Tierra” via Zoom, visit tinyurl.com/LHMteatro2022.