Diane Boldt, Workforce Development: Job Search/Developer Specialist
Since 2014, Diane Boldt has been assisting ECC students in finding their future as a job search developer for the Future Workforce Leaders program out of the Workforce Development and Continuing Education Division. Outside of assisting ECC students in finding their career paths, Boldt finds herself constantly on the hiking paths. “I love the outdoors and finding new places to explore locally and afar,” said Boldt. “I love finding new hiking trails and challenging myself to try new things.”
Read on to learn more about how Boldt challenges herself and the important advice she shares about education.
What do you do at ECC/what do you want others to know/understand about your job? My title is Job Search Developer for the Future Workforce Leaders Program out of the Workforce Development and Continuing Education Division. I assist young adults with employability skills, gain exposure to careers they are interested in, and see what training might be needed to perform certain occupations.
If you could instantly be an expert at one thing, what would you choose? Not really sure, but maybe fashion? I’m always questioning my outfits and am not a big shopper.
What do you like to do outside of work? What are some of your favorite hobbies, places to go, activities, etc.? I love the outdoors and finding new places to explore locally and afar. I love finding new hiking trails and challenging myself to try new things.
Where is the best place you’ve traveled, or where is somewhere you dream of going, and why? I have recently been hooked on Colorado for the hiking trails, but I also love the Gulf Coast down in Florida. As much as I want to travel to Italy and France, I also want to explore more of the United States and go where I haven’t gone before. I have a few extended family members that have gone to all 50 states. That is a cool goal!
Share a fact about you that might surprise people to learn I went to beauty school while in high school because I was told I had pretty hair. I wanted to quit right after starting, but my parents spent money on the beauty kit, and I had quit the swim team to go in the afternoons, so they made me finish. I finished up my senior year and then started classes that fall at the community college.
What piece of advice would you share with your 20-year-old self or with our students? Education is not a race. Take the time to figure out what you really want to do. Mondays are hard enough. If you hate your job, they are even harder.
What was your first ever job? What is one thing you can say you took away from it? I worked in the dressing room at a TJ Maxx while in high school. I hated when customers would leave the room a disaster, and to this day, when I go into dressing rooms, I leave them cleaner than I found them. I’m usually hanging up clothes that the other people left behind.
Favorite movie, book, tv show? Share one, or a few of your favorites! Hands down, “When Harry Met Sally” is mine and my husbands’ story, kid you not. We even looked the part back in 1987 before the movie came out in ‘89!