Claudia Robles, Spring 2022 ECC Graduate
When I was a high school student, I never thought I would be able to say I am vice president of student government, the social media coordinator for the Human Services Club, an Elgin Community College honors graduate, and transferring to my dream school, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I didn’t care for school, had a very low GPA, and had no extracurricular activities. I began to get my grades up and engage in clubs during my senior year, but I still struggled to give it my all.
At ECC, I made sure to start on the right foot. My grades improved, and I made the honors list my first year, moving up to the dean’s list by my second year. Though my classes were remote, I learned about Student Life through ECC’s website and wanted to become more engaged on campus through clubs, so I reached out. I connected with the Student Government and the Human Services Club and was elected to an officer position where I have learned many valuable leadership skills.
ECC allowed me to mature and learn, something I would not have gotten anywhere else. After high school, I thought I wouldn’t have a future as I was seen as a typical “lazy” student. ECC has prepared me for success, and I am ready to take on the next chapter in my life.
Claudia Robles '22
Associate in Arts
Elgin, Ill.