Elgin Community College December 2022 graduate Aurora Light Moushon
When I started college, I was nervous because I knew my classes would cover twice the material in half the time compared to what I was accustomed to in high school. On that point, my instructors did not disappoint; however, they surprised me with how well they explained the material. I’m thankful for the smaller class sizes and engaged instructors at ECC, as they helped me adapt and adjust to college-level work.
ECC helped me uncover my passion for science. I have told my family so much about my biology classes that they now come to me whenever they have a medical question. Needless to say, I know exactly where my anatomy and physiology books are at all times. Outside the classroom, I served as president of the Spartan Christian Fellowship student club and worked in The Math Lab. The experience of working alongside my instructors in The Math Lab and seeing their dedication to their subjects and students inspired me to be a better student.
Aurora Light Moushon ‘22
Associate in Science
Elgin, Ill.