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2021 - The Many Sides of Sherry Selgrad

Tags: Staff Profile
Published 09/27/2021
Sherry Selgrad, Student System Specialist in Teaching, Learning, and Student Development (TLSD).

Sherry Selgrad, Student System Specialist in Teaching, Learning, and Student Development (TLSD).

Sherry Selgrad experienced the ECC campus for one day before the COVID-19 shutdown forced remote work and classes on students and staff. Despite her brief first exposure to the campus, Selgrad holds a critical role in connecting our community as a student system specialist in Teaching, Learning, and Student Development (TLSD).  

“Bridging with IT, I help ensure the systems used by ECC students and staff function correctly. In our area, TLSD Operations, we primarily work with Colleague, and I support communications systems such SARS/eSARS, Comevo, and CampusCast used by various departments,” said Selgrad.

Beyond her work with ECC system operations, she enjoys expressing her creative side through art and music. Read on to learn more about ECC’s Sherry Selgrad.  

What is your greatest accomplishment since you’ve been at ECC?

Process improvement in assisting my manager and the team with creating procedural documentation and assist in managing tasks.

Name a job or role at ECC that you would like to try for one day and explain why. I want to spend a day as a UX (user experience) designer. Analyzing data (Google Analytics) and how it’s related to page design and how much time a user spends on a web page would appeal to my “data geek” side.

If you could instantly be an expert in one thing, what would you choose? Ability to teleport. Imagine the time savings not spent in the security line at the airport!

What do you enjoy doing outside of work (i.e., hobbies/interests)? I’m an artist at heart. My walls are my canvas. I dabble with paper, ink, paint, mixed media, and jewelry assemblage. Also, I play the ukulele. My husband and I own 13 ukuleles – including one made from an old coffee can! I’m still a “novice” ukulele player eight years later. Strumming rhythm eludes me, though I keep on practicing!

If you could live in a TV show, which show would it be and why? “The Kitchen” on the Food Network channel – a girl’s gotta eat. 2020 gave me ample time in my kitchen recreating recipes and trying new dishes. One of the most useful tips I learned from watching “The Kitchen” is reviving wilted lettuce in an ice-soak bath - such a simple solution in making food last longer!

Where is the best place you’ve traveled to? Or where would you like to visit? Barcelona, Spain, has a wonderful mix of old-world architecture, art, and landscape. That’s where I fell in love with Valencia oranges.

You have to wear a t-shirt with just one word on it for an entire year. What would that word be, and why? Thrive – to not just “live,” but a reminder to keep learning, growing, and being my best self.

Share a fact about you that might surprise people to learn. My first day working at ECC was Monday, March 16, 2020, the last day before the COVID-19 campus closure. It was a whirlwind first day of getting my ID, office keys, parking placard, and meeting a few employees before going on an extended spring break and working from home for the past 15 months. I’m excited to be working on campus more this summer and fall.

What job have you held (besides ECC) that was the most fun, interesting, or difficult? After earning my B.A. from Northern Illinois University, I worked in graphic design. At an educational software reseller based in Elgin, I worked my way up to the creative director and managed five designers. The most fun aspect of the job was attending press checks at the printer (Quad Graphics) and staying in “Quad Housing” – beautiful multi-million-dollar homes tucked in a Milwaukee suburb. Although overnight press runs are grueling, it was nice to rest in a comfy bed.

Name someone you admire and explain why. My Mom, for the way she always sought the beauty in any situation. She always quoted that ‘change is the only constant.’ She was an attentive listener and always wore a smile.

What was your most valuable life lesson? Experience is the best teacher

Complete this sentence: “I enjoy working at ECC because …. “ The work I do benefits students as a technical point person for TLSD-supported systems in collaboration with students, staff, and IT. I work collectively with my team to resolve problems that assist the staff who support ECC students.