![Elgin Community College across Lake Spartan](https://pxl-elginedu.terminalfour.net/filters:format(webp)/prod01/cdn-pxl-elginedu-prod/media/elginedu/news-and-events/Fall-3-1-800X500.jpg)
Elgin Community College across Lake Spartan
Elgin Community College is hosting a Bill Pelz Global Speaker Series event titled “Political Pawns: Global Migration and the Case of Migrant Bussing” on Tuesday, October 18, from 2 pm to 3:30 pm. This series is sponsored by the ECC Global/International Studies Taskforce (GIST). This event is free and open to the public; you can join via Zoom.
The featured panelists for the event will be ECC’s Vincent Gaddis, PhD, professor of history; Mia Hardy, PhD, assistant professor of sociology; and Laura Haske, JD, associate professor of paralegal. They will examine the sociological, historical, and legal ramifications of the global migration crisis and the recent transport of migrants at the direction of the governors of particular southern states to northern destinations with a focus on human rights issues therein.
“We are excited to offer this virtual event to the ECC and District 509 community to discuss the topic of migration and amongst some of our well-versed and passionate ECC faculty,” said Nehlsen. “The Bill Pelz Global Speaker Series continues to provide the community a platform for discussing and learning about current global issues and trends.”
The Bill Pelz Global Speaker Series was named in memory of the late William Pelz, PhD, who taught history and political science at ECC for over 19 years. The event will be moderated by GIST co-chairs Christina Marrocco, PhD, associate professor of English, and Lauren Nehlsen, PhD, associate dean of recruitment and outreach services and Center for Global Engagement.