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Effective immediately, all ECC employees, students, and visitors, regardless of vaccination status, are required to wear masks indoors. With the rise of the Delta variant of COVID-19, Kane County has been designated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as having a “substantial” risk of COVID-19 transmission, even by vaccinated individuals.
Reinstatement of masks is recommended by the CDC, the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH), and the Kane County Health Department (KCHD).
The health and safety of our community are the college’s top priority. ECC will continue to monitor this dynamic situation closely and provide updates as needed to campus safety protocols.
Provisions will continue to be provided for PPE and plexiglass dividers will remain in place. Face masks will be available to all employees, students, and visitors at college entrances. An initial box of masks will be made available within each classroom, with additional masks available upon request throughout the semester. Hand sanitizer will also be readily available.
Thermometers for voluntary self-administration are available and self-service stations are located in the entrances of Building A and Building H. COVID-19 reporting continues as needed and includes contact tracing through HR and Student Services and an outsourced company during non-business hours.
In addition to wearing masks indoors, please do not come to campus if you are feeling sick and maintain a 6-foot distance when you do come to campus. Remember to wash your hands frequently and use the hand sanitizer stations throughout campus.
Vaccination is still the best prevention measure for COVID-19. The CDC strongly recommends vaccination for everyone 12 years and older and it is offered free of charge at many locations in the County. To find a vaccination site nearest you and make an appointment, visit kanevax.org. ECC will continue to host vaccination clinics for the community. The next clinic is Wednesday, August 11, from 2 to 7 p.m. Another clinic will be hosted at ECC’s Campus Jam on Friday, Aug. 20, 10- 2 p.m. Employees as well as new and returning students are encouraged to attend and get vaccinated.