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ECC In the News 2021 - ECC student-athletes awarded NJCAA academic honors

Tags: Academics | Accomplishment
Published 07/08/2021
Left: Kylee Backer (Soccer) Middle: Luke Menard (Baseball) Right: Nikolas Panico (Baseball) Not Photographed: Amber Allen (Volleyball) Kenney Venable (Volleyball)

Left: Kylee Backer (Soccer) Middle: Luke Menard (Baseball) Right: Nikolas Panico (Baseball) Not Photographed: Amber Allen (Volleyball) Kenney Venable (Volleyball)

Each year the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) honors student-athletes for their academic achievement in maintaining a GPA of 3.6 or higher throughout the year. Elgin Community College is proud to announce that five of its student-athletes have made the 2020-21 NJCAA All-Academic Team for their outstanding commitment and dedication to their studies.

Making the NJCAA All-Academic First Team, which requires a 4.0 GPA, is Nikolas Panico (Baseball). Kylee Backer (Soccer) is named to the NJCAA All-Academic Second Team, which requires a GPA of 3.8 to 3.99. Amber Allen (Volleyball) and Kenney Venable (Volleyball), along with Luke Menard (Baseball) are named to the Third Team, which requires a GPA of 3.6 to 3.79.

“We are so proud of these outstanding five student-athletes who went above and beyond in their commitment to not only their teams, but to the hard work they put toward their academics,” said Kent Payne, director of athletics and wellness at ECC.

Visit ECC’s Athletic Department website for more information.