Official ECC logo.
Elgin Community College will host COVID-19 testing services from the Illinois Department of Health throughout February.
Testing Dates are:
Wednesday, Jan. 27
Sunday, Jan. 31
Daily starting Feb. 1*
Test hours are 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. daily.
The drive-thru testing site will be located just south of ECC’s Building K in parking lots H & J, off Renner Drive. Walk-ups are also welcome; please follow posted signage for testing.
Testing will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Anyone may come for testing, with or without symptoms. A simple nasal swab will be used, and individuals will be called with results within 4-7 days.
There is no cost for testing, but please bring your insurance card. You can get tested if you do not have insurance.
For more information, please visit dph.illinois.gov/COVID19.
*Testing will not be available on Saturday, Feb. 13, or Saturday, Feb. 27.