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ECC In the News 2021 - ECC hosts April Apprentice and Career Fairs

Tags: Events | Student Resources
Published 03/19/2021
The ECC Virtual Apprentice Fair is Thursday, April 8, 2021.

The ECC Virtual Apprentice Fair is Thursday, April 8, 2021.

Elgin Community College's Office of Strategic Partnerships and Experiential Learning will host a virtual Apprentice Fair on Thursday, April 8, from 12 – 2 pm, followed by a career fair on Friday, April 9. Both fairs are free and open to the public.

Employers with open apprenticeship opportunities will meet with interested candidates in a wide range of manufacturing and technology fields. Current and potential ECC students are encouraged to attend to learn more about apprenticeships available through ECC. Registration is online; employers must register by April 1, while candidates can register up to the start of the event.

The fair is also an opportunity for businesses to learn more about beginning a Department of Labor apprenticeship partnership with ECC. Funding providers will be on hand to share resources.

Additionally, on Friday, April 9, ECC partnered with the Illinois Department of Employment Security for a virtual Statewide Career Fair sponsored by Illinois Community College Career Services Professionals. This event allows employers to meet with skilled candidates of all ages from 18 Illinois community colleges. Job-seeking community members are also invited to attend. 

For more information, contact ECC's Strategic Partnerships and Experiential Learning office at 847-214-7454 or email workforce@elgin.eduAlso, check out While visiting the site, users can register for an account to search for open job opportunities, apprenticeships, and internships, upload their resumes, apply for open positions, create a portfolio, and more.