A student stocks pantry shelves
Elgin Community College’s Spartan Food Pantry is now open to current all ECC students, regardless of need. Reduced fall 2020 hours are Tuesday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
“Despite the disruptions and transition to an online model for most classes at ECC, PTK believes that every student should have access to food regardless of their financial status,” said Lukas Munoz, Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) member, and Spartan Food Pantry Officer. “ECC has permitted the Spartan Food Pantry to continue to operate this fall semester in a safe and socially distanced model.”
If a student is on campus for a class or appointment, they can visit the pantry through the main door in Building B, Room B175, next to the Student Life Office. Students who are not on campus this fall can also pick up items by going to the outside door of B175, on the lakeside patio next to Lake Spartan. Please bring your current student ID. Additionally, face coverings and social distancing will be required.
For the health and safety of all, students will not be able to enter the pantry space to shop for their food. Students will be able to choose from a variety of preassembled packages based on current item availability. Both food and limited toiletry items will be available.
“The pantry is taking donations of food - canned and boxed products - and toiletries, as well as monetary donations for the fall,” said Alex Maurer, PTK member, and Spartan Food Pantry Officer. “A small contribution could make a big difference for someone else.” For more information on donating, visit elgin.edu/spartanfoodpantry.
The Spartan Food Pantry was established in February 2015. It grew out of a PTK service-based leadership project that focused on hunger. Students spent a year volunteering at local food pantries and soup kitchens to see how hunger affected their community. They realized that food insecurity hit much closer to home than they thought—it affected their classmates and friends.
For more information on the Spartan Food Pantry, visit elgin.edu/spartanfoodpantry.