Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Dear ECC Community,
As you all may know, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker announced on Tuesday, March 31 that he will extend the state’s current “stay-at-home” order through Thursday, April 30. As a result, and to further limit the spread of COVID-19, Elgin Community College will remain closed to the public until Monday, May 04. If Governor Pritzker chooses to extend the state’s stay-at-home order beyond our tentative return-to-campus date, we will adjust our timeline accordingly.
Employees with essential responsibilities, as notified by their supervisors, will work remotely until we return to campus on Monday, May 04. All class instruction will continue to be delivered through alternative delivery formats for the remainder of the spring semester. Students taking lab and specialized courses will be contacted by their instructors on when their classes will resume.
ECC’s commencement ceremonies for High School Equivalency (HSE), Accelerate College, and Career Technical Education and Transfer Degree programs have been postponed to an undetermined date as the Cabinet considers the best approach to celebrate the graduating class of 2020.
In the meantime, please be aware that we are continuing to provide academic, financial, and student support services remotely.
While we adjust to our new “norm” and the challenges presented by this global pandemic, let’s continue to do our part to flatten the curve by maintaining social distancing, adhering to the stay-at-home order and following the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). For future updates and announcements, visit our Emergency Management page at elgin.edu/Covid19.
Your health and well-being are of great importance to us. We will continue to share updates and information that directly impacts you as it becomes available. Employees with questions on any topic can contact Human Resources at staffliaison@elgin.edu. Students can send correspondence to deanofstudentservices@elgin.edu.
We appreciate your partnership, flexibility and understanding as we navigate our way through this crisis together. We are #SpartansUnited.