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ECC In the News 2020 - Project Backpack delivers for students this fall

Tags: Events | Student Resources
Published 08/18/2020
Backpacks ready for local students.

Backpacks ready for local students.

Project Backpack, a community effort to provide backpacks and supplies for families of District 509, looked a little different this year. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Elgin Community College could not host the event as in years past. The committee worked to develop an alternative plan for supply delivery to those in need.

For the safety of families and employees, backpacks will be distributed through the local school districts until supplies last. Proof of fall enrollment and a photo ID may be required. 

Some schools have received backpacks for students in the Elgin Area School District U-46 and will distribute them at their discretion. If your school does not contact you to pick up a backpack by September 7 and your U-46 student needs one, please call 847-888-5000 ext. 4211 or ext. 6768.

For other qualifying K-12 districts, parents are asked to contact their child’s school social worker for information on backpack availability and distribution.

“While we could not host our event this year, our community truly rallied around students and their families,” said Megan Highland, student life coordinator, and Project Backpack committee chair. “Thanks to donations from business sponsors and individuals, we filled 1,512 backpacks for the 2020-21 school year.”

If you are a Fall 2020 ECC student and need a backpack, visit the ECC Spartan Food Pantry on campus in Building B, Room B175, between 10 am and 12 pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays starting Tuesday, August 18. Proof of fall enrollment and a photo ID are required. The food pantry will also have pre-assembled food package options for ECC students in need.

The Project Backpack Committee comprises individuals from Elgin Community College, ECC Faculty Association, Community Crisis Center, ECCP3, Kane County Regional Office of Education, KCT Credit Union, School District U-46, and Centro de Información. For the most up-to-date information on Project Backpack, like the project on Facebook and visit