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ECC In the News 2020 - ECC’s student newspaper, the Observer, wins 13 awards

Tags: Accomplishment
Published 04/21/2020
The Observer Awards

The Observer Awards

The staff of the Elgin Community College student newspaper, the Observer, earned 13 awards for writing, photography, and design from the Illinois Community College Journalism Association. 

"It's always great to see our work receive recognition,” said Camryn Cutinello, Observer editor-in-chief. “Our staff works very hard on every issue we release, and I'm proud of everyone who was recognized for individual awards and our whole staff for the award for best website." 

A full list of award winners and links to the material is available at

The newspaper is a member of the Illinois Community College Journalism Association (ICCJA) and the Associated Collegiate Press (ACP). Comments, suggestions, and questions about the publication can be directed to