Elgin Community College across Lake Spartan.
ECC is moving forward with our plan to gradually reopen the Spartan Drive campus to select employees and students taking lab courses beginning Monday, June 1, 2020. We want to provide details on what the Partial Opening phase entails. Please be aware that each of ECC’s phases will coincide with guidance outlined in Gov. J.B Pritzker’s Restore Illinois Plan and is contingent on a number of factors, all of which are subject to change.
Planning and Operations
In addition to weekly Cabinet meetings, at which ongoing discussions and planning have been underway since March, the college assembled two committees—the Safety Committee and the Operations Coordination Team—to work in conjunction with Cabinet as the college prepares for the phased reopening of our Spartan Drive campus. These teams have been working hard and will continue to meet until each phase of our reopening plan has been completed and we return to our “new normal” in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Partial Opening Phase:
6/1/2020 - 08/09/2020
This phase primarily focuses on preparing the college and employees for a gradual return to the Spartan Drive campus and ensures that all recommended safety procedures are implemented, critical services are provided, and a safe environment is available to students, employees, vendors and other necessary visitors.
During this phase:
- Most employees, with the exception of those identified as having critical functions on campus, will continue to work remotely
- Spring classes with lab components will resume on campus
- All summer courses will be conducted online
- Social distancing will be practiced; floor markers have been placed throughout campus
- Face coverings will be required for all and will be provided, as needed
- On-campus cleaning schedules and protocols will be enhanced
- All work and classroom areas have been reviewed and modified to ensure proper physical distancing
- Sanitizer stations have been installed throughout campus
- Protective barriers, such as Plexiglas, have been installed in high traffic areas
- Large gatherings of more than 10 people are not permitted
- The cafeteria is open with limited access and food options. Employees will work in zones to maintain social distancing using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). The hours of operation are Monday through Thursday, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
- The fitness center remains closed
- The childcare center remains closed
- ECC facilities are not open to the general public, although limited on-campus appointments are available
- The bookstore will remain closed; however, curbside pickup for book buybacks and summer textbooks is available
- All events are canceled
- The college will continue to follow the state of Illinois and CDC safety guidelines
Entry to campus facilities for employees and students will be limited to the following building locations:
Building A-2
Building H-1
Building M-1.4
Building O-1.1
Building O-16
Health and Safety
Specific measures have been put into place to protect the health and safety of the entire college community as we work together to limit the spread of COVID-19. Therefore, only employees identified by their supervisors as having critical functions will be permitted on campus, unless other arrangements are made. All students, employees, vendors, and necessary visitors on campus must wear a face covering and stay six feet apart. Do not come to campus if you are sick or experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, including fever, coughing, or difficulty breathing.
Student Services
The following services will continue to be provided to students remotely throughout the Partial Opening phase:
- Admissions and Recruitment
- Academic and Transfer Advising / Career Development Services
- First Stop / Records and Registration
- Student Disability Services
- Student Life and First-Year Programs
- Student Success and Judicial Affairs
- Testing Services
- Veterans Services
- Wellness Services
- Financial Aid and Scholarships
- Student Accounts
The following services will be available on campus by limited appointment only:
Recruitment will continue to offer remote services. Additionally, prospective students may request on-campus appointments by emailing admissions@elgin.edu or calling 847-214-7385.
On-campus, by appointment only meetings, can be scheduled with the Athletics Department on Monday and Wednesday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Contact Athletic Director, Kent Payne, at 847-214-7552/kpayne@elgin.edu or Athletic Coordinator/Coach, Bill Angelo, at 847-214-7133/bangelo@elgin.edu
Testing Services
Testing Services will continue to offer, and strongly encourages, remote testing for reading, writing, math, and geometry placement. In addition to these services, limited, appointment-only testing for student certifications and assessments that do not have remote options will be offered. These tests include certification exams, Psychological Services Bureau (PSB) testing, and placement testing for those who do not have access to supported devices. Dates, times, registration, and payment (if required), can be viewed and completed here.
Student Financial Services
Financial Aid and Scholarships will continue to offer remote services. Additionally, students may inquire about on-campus appointments by emailing financialaid@elgin.edu or calling 847-214-7360.
Student Accounts will continue to offer remote services. Additionally, students may inquire about on-campus appointments by emailing studentaccounts@elgin.edu or calling 847-214-7380.
Fall Classes
We are currently finalizing our plan for the fall semester and intend to share details in early June. As part of this process, we are participating in a statewide task force led by the Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) to explore and identify recommendations and guidelines for community colleges for fall semester offerings across the state. We are identifying options that will best serve the needs of our community, ensuring safety while delivering quality instruction. We are committed to continuing to offer a full spectrum of programs to prepare our students for the workforce, including critical occupations in healthcare, emergency services, and more. It has never been more important for the college to provide a pipeline of employees in these areas of high demand. A number of these programs require in-person, hands-on instruction, and so long as the governor's guidelines permit it, we do intend to offer these programs in compliance with social distancing and other recommended measures. While there remains a great deal of uncertainty regarding what our “new normal” will look like, we remain committed to student success.
Ongoing Communication
Because this is an ever-evolving situation, we appreciate your patience and flexibility. We will continue to provide updates as new developments emerge and major decisions are made. Be sure to check your email often; read the weekly Spartan Review digest; visit our emergency management web page for regular updates and a list of FAQs, and look for invitations to virtual all-college meetings. For general questions contact Toya Webb, EdD, chief marketing and communications officer, at twebb@elgin.edu.
For specific questions related to the college’s phased reopening plan contact Emily Kies, senior director of emergency management, at ekies@elgin.edu or Robin Cook, risk manager, at rcook@elgin.edu.