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College Transitions

View from behind at graduation

Preparing students in our community for the future.

Contact Us

Elgin Community College cares about preparing students in our community for college and careers, whether you do so at ECC or not. Students and families are invited to learn more about our preparation programming and get involved with one of our programs that provides more support for students.

A college and career-ready student has the knowledge and skills to succeed in college and the workplace. ECC is dedicated to ensuring college and career-ready students are prepared to start their lives after high school. We can also help students discover skilled career options that offer financial security and room to grow.

College & Career Readiness Events

To help students prepare for their futures, we bring college and career readiness (CCR) workshops directly to your schools and classrooms. We’ll work with you to choose the best time and location for you and your students.

See available workshops

Support Programs

Upward Bound

Timely academic assistance and personalized guidance to qualified high school students to enhance their options for college by concentrating on academic and personal development. It offers a college prep program for high school students who are potential first-generation or low-income college students programs.

Talent Search Transitions

Academic assistance and personalized support to qualified middle and high school students who want additional guidance in navigating their educational options.

College and Career Readiness

Learning about colleges and careers can be confusing as resources may use keywords unfamiliar to students and families. We're here to help you navigate the college admissions and career-readiness process.