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Alt Text and Captions on Instagram

Add Alt Text to Image Posts

In the browser

To add alt text in the browser version of Instagram:

  1. On the page for adding an image caption, click the “Accessibility” dropdown option.
  2. Type your text in the “Write alt text…” box for each image.
    The caption page of an Instagram post creator. The “Accessibility” section is expanded, revealing two images with fields for alt text.
  3. Click “Share” at the top right once the post is ready.

In the mobile app

To add alt text in the Instagram app:

  1. On the page for adding an image caption, click the “Advanced settings” option.
    Mobile view of the caption page for an Instagram post. The “Advanced settings” option is highlighted.
  2. Scroll to the “Accessibility” section and click on “Write alt text.”
    Advanced settings options in the Instagram mobile app. The “Write alt text” option is highlighted.
  3. Click on the “Write alt text…” field and type your text.
    Alt text page for a photo in the Instagram mobile app. The “Write alt text…” field is highlighted.
  4. Click the “Done” button in the top right to return to “Advanced settings.”

Note: You cannot add alt text to images in Instagram Stories. Avoid using stories for call-to-action posts when possible.

Add Captions to Instagram Reels

Instagram will automatically generate captions for reels through both the app and browser. Users who have captions turned on in their settings can see captions in the app. Refer to Instagram’s Help Center for instructions on turning this setting on to help people with disabilities, such as vision loss and deafness, get the most out of Instagram.

In the browser

To add captions in the browser:

  1. On the page to add a caption, click the “Accessibility” dropdown option.
  2. Select the toggle button for “auto-generated captions.” The button turns blue to indicate that captions are turned on.
    The post caption page of an Instagram reel. The “Accessibility” section is expanded. The

In the app

To add captions to your reels in the Instagram app:

  1. On the page to add a caption, click the “Advanced settings” option.
  2. Scroll down to “Accessibility.” Select the toggle button for “Show captions.” The button turns blue to indicate that captions are turned on.
    Advanced settings options of an Instagram reel on the app. The “Show captions” option is highlighted and turned on.
  3. Afterward, click the back arrow button in the top left corner to continue editing your post.